Monday, April 30, 2007

All good things must come to an end......

Cat asked me to write a paragraph on how I felt about this whole year. If you have come across my life at some point during this year, thank you. You have shaped who I am today. Looking back I feel like I havent changed one bit. I have, I have changed alot. But no matter how much changing I do saying good bye will always be hard. I have built so many friendships this year, it literally rips me apart to see some of them end. This is especially hard when these people have shared your faith with you. This is only part of growing up, something I havent wanted to face for a long time. Its looking me square in the eye and only I can decide what to do with it.........

"There are points in your life when you are going to have to decide in which direction you will go. Are you going to continue with your current actions, or utilize the opportunities given to better yourself. I never thought I would catch myself saying that I feared the path that I was on. I wasn’t into drugs and alcohol. I was a good Catholic. I was all of these things on the outside but burning to pieces on the inside. Starting college, moving away from home, what was left? I was at a fork in the road. I told God I wasn’t able to be in school and not have Him in my life. I chose to follow Him and make the change in my life. Catholic Campus Ministry has been the ultimate blessing in my life. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have the family I developed at CCM. If you had asked me if I wanted to be a peer minister I would have said no. I didn’t view myself as worthy or qualified. I thank my fellow peer ministers for their guidance and tough love. Without it I would not have changed into the person I am today. My faith and understanding has only been deepened. With the help and love of St. Michael’s parish I hope to continue my journey. For not only have you helped me mold a different perspective of faith, you have shown me life takes courage. "