Wednesday, August 15, 2007


WOW!!!! Im starting school in like two weeks!
Can you say, HOLY WHA!!!!!!!!!
Im ready, the parents are ready!
Now I have to pack.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Scared (insert profanity here) less....

Ok, someone remind me why I am so stupid. Why did I want to waste my summer slaving away with piles of homework towering over my head? Why did I choose to spend EVERY waking moment studying the ionic interactions of amide side chains? You guys are supposed to be my friends, did you really want to lose me for half the summer? (Well maybe you shouldn’t answer that question; I’m not mentally stable at this moment.) The real fact of the matter is this…….WHERE ON GODS GREEN EARTH DID THE LAST SIX WEEKS GO? Come on people I have a HUGE, HUGE final on Friday, so huge I shouldn’t be writing this blog. But that is beside the point. I have a stack of note cards as thick my head along with 50,000 pages of notes to review. I’m hurting here people.

I can hear the delightful sounds of happy college aged kids riding their bikes, rollerblading, playing ultimate Frisbee (my favorite game). But, there is Megan, sitting in her room, butt glued to a chair and eyes permanently fixed to her chemistry book. Im not asking for much, I just want an A. Really? Is that a lot, I guess so.

Dear God,
Please, Please ,PLEASE, help me! I don’t know what I was thinking when I thought that I could actually take this class. You need to warn me in the future when I am about to make a REALLY stupid decision. Please let the earth shake/lights flicker, if I ever try to do something like this again. Please watch over me on Friday and help me not to curl up and cry like a baby when Dr. Putnam passes out my test. That would really embarrass me. Oh, and if it is not too much to ask, could you please canonize a patron saint of chemistry in the next four days? If you let me pass this test I promise not to kill anymore of your “creatures/kritters” for a whole month. I will also be nice to Anna and let her do whatever she wants to my room, without being a brat.

In all seriousness please say a prayer for me on Friday....Im shakin like a leaf.

Off to take an on-line quiz ;)

Friday, June 15, 2007


So, I realize I have been gone for quite some time…..were going on a month here people. I guess it’s a problem that only I face because nobody reads this anyway. The last few weeks have been trying for me. I have been having a pity party. I have decided to become more self reliant and motivating. I am beginning to realize that if I want it I have to do it myself. I thought I knew what this really meant but I has come back to slap me in the face and realize I needed a reality check. Chemistry is going well. We have moved so fast from organic to bio chemistry in a matter of days. YIKES! Its been very difficult for me. Like I said above only I can make the choice to rely on myself. I am in a learning process. I try to live my life as an example. This may sound easy for someone to do but I have struggled with it for a long time. I need to be more selfish at times and think about what I really want for myself.

On the bright side I am going home in TWO weeks! I have loved living in Marquette. Going home back and forth has taken a lot out of me and I am just ready to be home. My friends claim they haven’t spoken to me in months and want my humor back. Ahhh….I’m not that funny people. Whatever floats your boat. We are getting a new kitten, well, actually my sister is. Im really excited but I don’t know what my two other kitties are going to do. My mom didn’t tell my dad that we were going to get another. He was actually OK with it. My mom says he is having a mid life crisis. Could this explain the Dodge Charger? Oh well…..

Monday, May 21, 2007

I dont think I could have said it any better.....

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next.Amen.

I moved back up to Marquette yesterday. I will not lie, it was very surreal. My heart felt like it was doing flip flops. Yes, I am excited to be back. I just don't know how I feel right now. The end of this past semester was still fresh in my mind. The pain from that still jabs at my side at times when I least expect it. I walked into my first class in it was like I was in a tunnel. I just cant describe what it was like. It was strange. Organic chemistry is chem. I dont like it, who does? Its just one of the speed bumps along the way. There is no chance for this to slow me down. Yes, the golf course is looking mighty fine right about now.

Last night Ryan and I went to St. Mikes for a concert. It was really really really great. All of Melanies students, and some older ladies sang. My favorite was "Pie Jesu" by Webber. It was AMAZING x 100. If you have not heard that song before I HIGHLY suggest that download it. Then we went to mass at St. Peter's. Wow! That made me love CCM even more than I already do. It's not that it wasnt good, its just CCM is that much better! Mass was really long. An hour and forty minutes to be exact. Then the ewww and I went to Jilly's and ate ice cream with Emalina. After Jilly's I came home and unpacked the rest of my shiznit and I was tired so I went to bed. The new roomie is good, quiet but good! This should be interesting! Im out. PEACE!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chicken Little=Megan

So, most of you know I’m a chicken. I sleep with multiple nightlights in my room. I can be sent into a panic if someone says boo to loud. I have come to live with this uncanny personality trait of mine. Actually I blame this downfall on my mother. She has instilled fear in my brain since I was born. The first instance I have to recall is when I was four.

I was at a daycare center for accelerated learners. This place was called Sunshine Station. I walked into the large room with many HAPPY children playing and running around. My mom decided to drop me off here so she could run errands a couple of times a week. Now as I look back it was a cop out. It was a LIE. My mom was trying to get rid of the daughter that clung to her like saran wrap. Well I wasn’t going down without a fight.
As she gave me a hug goodbye I grabbed what ever I could. In this case it was her hair. I was not going to let go. To make matters worse the daycare people saw the scene I was making and attempted to pry me off my mother. Just a word to the wise, do not touch a mad toddler with teeth. My mom was free. I was in tears and my pigtails had fallen out, or had been ripped out in a fit of rage. What was I to do now? I was on the defense. Stupid snotty nose kids were looking at me wondering what was wrong with that psycho girl. That day was getting better and better. Some kid peed his pants while we were playing with playdough. Another boy went streaking through the main room. I remember thinking germs were everywhere. Yet another fear my mom has instilled in my brain (she is a nurse).
By this time I was anxiously awaiting my mom to walk through the door at any minute. That was when all hell broke loose.

They started taking down these large blue mats. I was thinking we were going to build a fort or something. No was I EVER wrong.
A lady who looked like she used a bowl to get a haircut was walking towards me. My little four year old legs started to tremble.
“Megan its time to take a nap”
I didn’t know it at the time but I was thinking OH HELL NO LADY.
This sent me into fight or flight mode. Please mom walk through that door NOW!
I started screaming and crying. I was not going to take a nap in this place. By this time I heard the cries of other frightened children break out. See I was leading the pack; I was just the brave one who spoke out. I was crying so hard I was gagging. They took me into a little room and had a talk with me. Seeing how I was the bad guy for not wanting to take a nap. Yea right. I got my way (damn right I did) and I didn’t have to take a nap. I also never went back to Sunshine Station. I was looking through some of my old things before graduation and I found something of interest.
It was a note to my mom from one of the “teachers/terrorists” at sunshine station…..

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Nordeman~

Were sorry your child’s stay at Sunshine Station was an unpleasant one. We feel that she isn’t ready to experience playtime without one of her parents there to comfort her. Maybe in a couple of months she will be ready to come back to Sunshine Station.
You can help her by letting her play with other children her age and showing her that being alone is alright. This is something that takes time for some children. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

The PSYCHOTIC staff as Sunshine Station.

That sent mother bear through the roof. Her baby wasn’t behind in play time. She just needed some coaxing.

Well thank you mom for the wonderful memories of my childhood. I thank you for the fear you have instilled in me. I only hope not to pass this along to my children.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Teh goodness of teh summer....

Wow! Here I am sitting at work thinking what the heck am I going to do with the rest of the summer? I am going back to school on May 20th –June 30th. I am really excited to get back up to NMU. I will be taking the second part of my chemistry class. Surprisingly I did very well in Chem 107. It was by no means easy but I got through it and I ended up with a B over all. I will be living in Spooner apartments for the summer. My parents have concocted the wise idea that I will come back over the weekends and work. I may just have to fake ill those days J Never the less the job is still boring as all hell. I come to work and am greeted by 50,000 wasps, bugs and large wood spiders. Randy and Bob give me the look of “Its 7:03 and you are late” and Tyler good ole Tyler just smiles and nods his head. Good idea because if he said anything to me I might just have to clock him. Haha…Anyway, I do enjoy my job only when I am left alone to lose myself in a wonderful novel. It’s the best part of working at Crystal View Golf Course.
We have also installed a new watering system. For those of you that don’t know me too well……

Yes, they have left moi in charge of the sprinkler system.

First day of work Randy says to me;

“Finally we have been waiting for you to come run this thing. We figured you go to college so you would know how to run it”

So I muttered under my breath;
“And this is my punishment for going to college, having to stare at dumb and dumber every single day of my summer.”

I may just accidentally trip the system when they are cutting the greens. Muahahahhahahhh!

On a more personal note I miss all my friends from school right now. I can’t wait until I see you all again in the fall! Next semester is going to be so nice. I can’t wait to take nutrition with Dr.M. Lots of people don’t like him but Im excited to take his class. Im taking 17 credits and im comfortable with that.

As for now thats it.....

Monday, April 30, 2007

All good things must come to an end......

Cat asked me to write a paragraph on how I felt about this whole year. If you have come across my life at some point during this year, thank you. You have shaped who I am today. Looking back I feel like I havent changed one bit. I have, I have changed alot. But no matter how much changing I do saying good bye will always be hard. I have built so many friendships this year, it literally rips me apart to see some of them end. This is especially hard when these people have shared your faith with you. This is only part of growing up, something I havent wanted to face for a long time. Its looking me square in the eye and only I can decide what to do with it.........

"There are points in your life when you are going to have to decide in which direction you will go. Are you going to continue with your current actions, or utilize the opportunities given to better yourself. I never thought I would catch myself saying that I feared the path that I was on. I wasn’t into drugs and alcohol. I was a good Catholic. I was all of these things on the outside but burning to pieces on the inside. Starting college, moving away from home, what was left? I was at a fork in the road. I told God I wasn’t able to be in school and not have Him in my life. I chose to follow Him and make the change in my life. Catholic Campus Ministry has been the ultimate blessing in my life. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have the family I developed at CCM. If you had asked me if I wanted to be a peer minister I would have said no. I didn’t view myself as worthy or qualified. I thank my fellow peer ministers for their guidance and tough love. Without it I would not have changed into the person I am today. My faith and understanding has only been deepened. With the help and love of St. Michael’s parish I hope to continue my journey. For not only have you helped me mold a different perspective of faith, you have shown me life takes courage. "