Thursday, May 10, 2007

Teh goodness of teh summer....

Wow! Here I am sitting at work thinking what the heck am I going to do with the rest of the summer? I am going back to school on May 20th –June 30th. I am really excited to get back up to NMU. I will be taking the second part of my chemistry class. Surprisingly I did very well in Chem 107. It was by no means easy but I got through it and I ended up with a B over all. I will be living in Spooner apartments for the summer. My parents have concocted the wise idea that I will come back over the weekends and work. I may just have to fake ill those days J Never the less the job is still boring as all hell. I come to work and am greeted by 50,000 wasps, bugs and large wood spiders. Randy and Bob give me the look of “Its 7:03 and you are late” and Tyler good ole Tyler just smiles and nods his head. Good idea because if he said anything to me I might just have to clock him. Haha…Anyway, I do enjoy my job only when I am left alone to lose myself in a wonderful novel. It’s the best part of working at Crystal View Golf Course.
We have also installed a new watering system. For those of you that don’t know me too well……

Yes, they have left moi in charge of the sprinkler system.

First day of work Randy says to me;

“Finally we have been waiting for you to come run this thing. We figured you go to college so you would know how to run it”

So I muttered under my breath;
“And this is my punishment for going to college, having to stare at dumb and dumber every single day of my summer.”

I may just accidentally trip the system when they are cutting the greens. Muahahahhahahhh!

On a more personal note I miss all my friends from school right now. I can’t wait until I see you all again in the fall! Next semester is going to be so nice. I can’t wait to take nutrition with Dr.M. Lots of people don’t like him but Im excited to take his class. Im taking 17 credits and im comfortable with that.

As for now thats it.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE IT! Nothing like "accidents" to make work bearable.