Friday, June 15, 2007


So, I realize I have been gone for quite some time…..were going on a month here people. I guess it’s a problem that only I face because nobody reads this anyway. The last few weeks have been trying for me. I have been having a pity party. I have decided to become more self reliant and motivating. I am beginning to realize that if I want it I have to do it myself. I thought I knew what this really meant but I has come back to slap me in the face and realize I needed a reality check. Chemistry is going well. We have moved so fast from organic to bio chemistry in a matter of days. YIKES! Its been very difficult for me. Like I said above only I can make the choice to rely on myself. I am in a learning process. I try to live my life as an example. This may sound easy for someone to do but I have struggled with it for a long time. I need to be more selfish at times and think about what I really want for myself.

On the bright side I am going home in TWO weeks! I have loved living in Marquette. Going home back and forth has taken a lot out of me and I am just ready to be home. My friends claim they haven’t spoken to me in months and want my humor back. Ahhh….I’m not that funny people. Whatever floats your boat. We are getting a new kitten, well, actually my sister is. Im really excited but I don’t know what my two other kitties are going to do. My mom didn’t tell my dad that we were going to get another. He was actually OK with it. My mom says he is having a mid life crisis. Could this explain the Dodge Charger? Oh well…..


Rob said...

I read your blog! Sometimes more than once, since you don't update it all that often :) Don't feel bad, I don't update mine as much as I'd like either (my life just isn't that exciting)

Unknown said...

I read your blog too you whore!

Anonymous said...

I read it all the time... well, that is when you write something!!!!!!

You are growing up!!! Ahh... growing pains - so much change, so much pain, so much fun. haa haa

twofortango said...

I know you guys read it...I was just sayin what Im sayin ;)

Emily said...

Don't leeeeeeeave!