Sunday, June 24, 2007

Scared (insert profanity here) less....

Ok, someone remind me why I am so stupid. Why did I want to waste my summer slaving away with piles of homework towering over my head? Why did I choose to spend EVERY waking moment studying the ionic interactions of amide side chains? You guys are supposed to be my friends, did you really want to lose me for half the summer? (Well maybe you shouldn’t answer that question; I’m not mentally stable at this moment.) The real fact of the matter is this…….WHERE ON GODS GREEN EARTH DID THE LAST SIX WEEKS GO? Come on people I have a HUGE, HUGE final on Friday, so huge I shouldn’t be writing this blog. But that is beside the point. I have a stack of note cards as thick my head along with 50,000 pages of notes to review. I’m hurting here people.

I can hear the delightful sounds of happy college aged kids riding their bikes, rollerblading, playing ultimate Frisbee (my favorite game). But, there is Megan, sitting in her room, butt glued to a chair and eyes permanently fixed to her chemistry book. Im not asking for much, I just want an A. Really? Is that a lot, I guess so.

Dear God,
Please, Please ,PLEASE, help me! I don’t know what I was thinking when I thought that I could actually take this class. You need to warn me in the future when I am about to make a REALLY stupid decision. Please let the earth shake/lights flicker, if I ever try to do something like this again. Please watch over me on Friday and help me not to curl up and cry like a baby when Dr. Putnam passes out my test. That would really embarrass me. Oh, and if it is not too much to ask, could you please canonize a patron saint of chemistry in the next four days? If you let me pass this test I promise not to kill anymore of your “creatures/kritters” for a whole month. I will also be nice to Anna and let her do whatever she wants to my room, without being a brat.

In all seriousness please say a prayer for me on Friday....Im shakin like a leaf.

Off to take an on-line quiz ;)


kaitlyn said...

i love you megan. you my hero.

Anonymous said...

Uh... you will be happy to know that St. Albert the Great is the Patron St. of Chemistry....among other math/sciences.

Good ol' St. Al will pray for you - as will I!!!

Rob said...

you could also try Sts. Cosmas and Damian

Don't forget to relax and have a little fun this week (don't go overboard though) If you just study and cram you'll get too stressed and that's not good. You gotta have some stress relief time!

twofortango said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Good luck whoreface. Relax, you get all worked up for nothing. You know you will get that "A." Oye.