Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chicken Little=Megan

So, most of you know I’m a chicken. I sleep with multiple nightlights in my room. I can be sent into a panic if someone says boo to loud. I have come to live with this uncanny personality trait of mine. Actually I blame this downfall on my mother. She has instilled fear in my brain since I was born. The first instance I have to recall is when I was four.

I was at a daycare center for accelerated learners. This place was called Sunshine Station. I walked into the large room with many HAPPY children playing and running around. My mom decided to drop me off here so she could run errands a couple of times a week. Now as I look back it was a cop out. It was a LIE. My mom was trying to get rid of the daughter that clung to her like saran wrap. Well I wasn’t going down without a fight.
As she gave me a hug goodbye I grabbed what ever I could. In this case it was her hair. I was not going to let go. To make matters worse the daycare people saw the scene I was making and attempted to pry me off my mother. Just a word to the wise, do not touch a mad toddler with teeth. My mom was free. I was in tears and my pigtails had fallen out, or had been ripped out in a fit of rage. What was I to do now? I was on the defense. Stupid snotty nose kids were looking at me wondering what was wrong with that psycho girl. That day was getting better and better. Some kid peed his pants while we were playing with playdough. Another boy went streaking through the main room. I remember thinking germs were everywhere. Yet another fear my mom has instilled in my brain (she is a nurse).
By this time I was anxiously awaiting my mom to walk through the door at any minute. That was when all hell broke loose.

They started taking down these large blue mats. I was thinking we were going to build a fort or something. No was I EVER wrong.
A lady who looked like she used a bowl to get a haircut was walking towards me. My little four year old legs started to tremble.
“Megan its time to take a nap”
I didn’t know it at the time but I was thinking OH HELL NO LADY.
This sent me into fight or flight mode. Please mom walk through that door NOW!
I started screaming and crying. I was not going to take a nap in this place. By this time I heard the cries of other frightened children break out. See I was leading the pack; I was just the brave one who spoke out. I was crying so hard I was gagging. They took me into a little room and had a talk with me. Seeing how I was the bad guy for not wanting to take a nap. Yea right. I got my way (damn right I did) and I didn’t have to take a nap. I also never went back to Sunshine Station. I was looking through some of my old things before graduation and I found something of interest.
It was a note to my mom from one of the “teachers/terrorists” at sunshine station…..

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Nordeman~

Were sorry your child’s stay at Sunshine Station was an unpleasant one. We feel that she isn’t ready to experience playtime without one of her parents there to comfort her. Maybe in a couple of months she will be ready to come back to Sunshine Station.
You can help her by letting her play with other children her age and showing her that being alone is alright. This is something that takes time for some children. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

The PSYCHOTIC staff as Sunshine Station.

That sent mother bear through the roof. Her baby wasn’t behind in play time. She just needed some coaxing.

Well thank you mom for the wonderful memories of my childhood. I thank you for the fear you have instilled in me. I only hope not to pass this along to my children.


Unknown said...

Loved it!

twofortango said...

Thanks! I'm glad someone can find humor in my suffering!

Rob said...

What is it called when you are afraid of everything? I think you might have that :)

Thanks for the memories!

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow. The best part is I can picture a little Megan doing all of this. You're hilarious.